Becky Lamb-Pritchard

Becky Lamb-Pritchard is Head of Marketing at This Is Distorted, an award-winning and multi-nominated audio agency who work with brands and individuals to tell their story and use audio to maximum effect. Along with new creators, Distorted work with some of the biggest radio networks across the globe and recognisable brands including the NHS, Thompson Reuters, Blinkist, British Airways and National Trust.

Becky is bringing together two of her favourite things on a daily basis – people and podcasts. She is on a mission to use audio as a force for good and as a medium to open up conversations and is using her industry expertise, driven by her passion, to uplift the stories of creators and make sure new voices and points of view are being heard. She is a regular judge for the International Women’s Podcast Awards.

I absolutely love podcasts, and as all podcast lovers know, they are the perfect place to niche down and dig deep. If there is something I want to know more about, no matter the topic, then podcasts are my go-to resource library. Whether that’s to feel inspired, escape for a bit or to find out practical tips on a subject area I’m unfamiliar with, there is a podcast out there.

I have picked ten podcasts that help towards living a positive life in a variety of ways, from holistic practices and affirmations to the practical advice of managing money or dealing with a break-up, they each help navigate life in a more positive way.

Spiritual Mixtape

Spiritual Mixtape is my go-to guide on holistic wellness practices and making them part of your lifestyle. The podcast is a mix of episodes that are conversations with experts or guided practices including meditation, astrology, sound healing and breathwork. Host Daisy Mack is an expert in the field, a breathwork and stress management coach, sound healer and yoga teacher and, importantly for a podcast, is a natural on the mic and has the most soothing and calming voice. Daisy has recently started to introduce a kids’ meditation episode to the mix, and this has been game-changing with my 3 year old and the bedtime routine. I think this is truly a podcast for anyone wanting holistic wellness practices to play a part in their life, from beginners to seasoned experts. 

A great starting point is probably episode one, The Spiritual Mixtape Story: Who I Am and Why I’m Here. It gives a great insight into Daisy and a wonderful guided meditation.

Everyday Positivity

I am hooked on Kate Cocker’s daily podcast, Everyday Positivity.  A daily bitesize injection of positivity around 2 minutes long. It truly helps you frame your mind, or reframe if you’ve woken up in a bad mood, and get you set to tackle life in the best way. It recently hit its 2000th episode and it’s an absolute gem. 

Where to start: They are all brilliant, but I love the episode Turn Your Brain Around.

Disabled and Proud

I absolutely love Disabled and Proud with Brooke Millhouse. Brooke is a top adaptive athlete who is bringing listeners a different perspective on disability. 

Each week Brooke chats to a guest who shares their story and disability, why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves. The podcast aims to play a part in reclaiming the word disability – turning it from inadequacy to perfection.

As a mum of a little boy with a muscle weakening condition, and a lot to learn, I have found this podcast positive and invaluable.

Where to start: One that I would play to everyone is Winning The Battle Against Internalised Ableism.

Everyone’s Talkin’ Money

Money is one of those taboo topics, and why? Especially when we all need it, there is a cost of living crisis, and it’s one of the biggest causes of stress in our society. We aren’t taught about it properly in schools and we are told it’s rude to talk about socially; conversations around money are traditionally reserved for those “in the know”  bankers and investors with buzz words to keep us at bay.

Not now; on Everyone’s Talkin’ Money, money wellness expert Shannah Game lifts the lid on all things money in an inclusive and accessible way. According to Shannon, money success is 90% mental, so this podcast covers the practical along with the mental.

The Hidden 20%

This is a new podcast but since listening to their episode with Game of ThronesKit Harington, I have become a big fan. As the podcast explains, it is estimated that 20% of the population are neurodivergent in some way (aka. are autistic, dyslexic, have ADHD or ADD, have dyscalculia, tourettes and so forth). This new podcast, hosted by Ben Branson, and supported by the neurodivergent charity PRISM, features interviews with other neurodivergent minds to talk about their experiences, covering the challenges but also highlighting and amplifying the strengths that neurodivergency can bring. 

The TMI Project Story Hour 

This podcast shares the stories that ordinarily wouldn’t have been told and by doing so what happened next. Often inspirational stories from depths of despair. Stories that inspire you not to give in. Profiling the brave souls who stepped on stage and shared the stories they were most afraid to tell. 

The Divorce Social 

Host Samantha Baines is changing the conversation around divorce and break-ups for the better. A light-hearted, fun, but informative podcast that touches all elements of separation from paperwork to hook-ups.

The Veganuary Podcast

A series that comes out every January with all the new year/new you resolutions. If you are switching to a vegan lifestyle, trying plant-based eating or thinking about it, then this podcast is for you.

Helpful and light hearted in tone, the hosts discuss their experiences of transitioning to plant-based, discussing some of the challenges they encountered, sharing their tips, and even confessing to some of their biggest vegan fails. 

Mother of All Solutions 

Mother of All Solutions helps working mums return to work and navigate the challenges that accompany that. Honest conversations from mums (and dads) who are out there making the juggle work. This podcast is for you if you are a parent, carer, employee or employer. 

The Cinemile

OK, so this doesn’t fit into the positive impact box in an obvious way, but it is one of the first podcasts I ever listened to, and it certainly lifts my mood and gives me some much needed escapism on a bad day. Married couple Cathy & Dave go to the cinema, watch a film and talk about it on the walk home! Simple and genius, if you are a film fan what’s not to love! You can feel the excitement as they switch the mics back on post-film. They have a warm, playful tone and often bicker about bits of the film in an easy-going way which makes you, as a listener, join in and feel part of the conversation – personally, I often find myself agreeing with Cathy (sorry Dave). So if you need some escapism, but don’t have the time to watch a full film, catch up on the chat with Cathy and Dave.

Best way to start: Pick a film you know and dive in.